Pear, Chia & Coconut Puree
This was Leo's absolute favourite breakfast puree and I actually first introduced it because he was experiencing some constipation when we first introduced solids. I found this, in addition to baby belly massage/bicycle legs and a probiotic worked a treat!
Foods to avoid/reduce if your baby is constipated: banana (unripe), rice (white rice and rice cereal), apple sauce and cooked apples, toast, cheese (cow’s milk formula may cause constipation in some infants).
Suitable for 6/7+ months (once below foods have been introduced)
2 pears (washed thoroughly with skin on)
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup whole grain oats
1 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 cup coconut milk (organic or without preservatives)
3/4 cup water (filtered or boiled and cooled)
Heat all ingredients on low heat.
Use a blending stick or blender to blend until puree consistency.
Pour into silicone moulds or ice cube trays and once frozen, store in silicone bags or glass containers.
Tip* when defrosting and heating, I add coconut yoghurt to cool down the mixture.